Aviat QA Framework - Simplifying Test Automation with QA Framework

Aviat QA Framework - Simplifying Test Automation with QA Framework

Aviat, one of our long-term clients, faced challenges in efficiently developing and executing tests across their diverse product portfolio. Traditional test automation methods require extensive programming knowledge, limiting the involvement of non-technical people. To address this, the company embarked on creating a QA Framework for their internal use - a comprehensive solution that simplified test case automation and empowered testers without deep programming expertise. The primary goal of the framework was to streamline the process of test case development and execution across multiple products while minimizing the need for programming skills. The framework aimed to provide a user-friendly environment where testers could efficiently create, manage, preview, and execute preconfigured tests, with the use of an intuitive user interface.


Software Engineering,

Project Length

24 Months



Our Planning Process

The Aviat QA Framework consists of multiple components, including the Main Framework Application, an API for configuration file generation, and a Vue.js front-end application for interacting with the framework.    

The heart of the framework was the Main Framework Application, responsible for performing configured tests on the products. It handles the execution of test cases without requiring specific programming skills. The main framework application reads the configuration files, executes the defined test cases on the target products, reports test results, highlights successful tests, and identifies failures for further investigation.



What we did for Aviat

The Framework API was developed to simplify the process of creating configuration files. Testers can indirectly interact with this API to define test cases, topologies to run tests against, actions, and so much more. This reduced the complexity of writing test cases manually.

The front-end application, implemented in Vue.js, provides a user-friendly interface for testers to create, manage, preview, and execute tests. It leverages the capabilities of the main framework application and the framework API while offering an intuitive and visually appealing experience. The front-end application consumes the framework API to generate configuration files based on the inputs of the tester. This eliminated the need for testers to write configuration files manually. Testers can use the front-end application to interact with the framework and define test cases by selecting options from user-friendly components.



Final Results

The Aviat QA Framework successfully addressed the challenges of generating test cases for different products. The solution empowered non-programmers to create and execute test cases efficiently, thereby accelerating the testing process and improving product quality. By combining automation, intuitive interfaces, and advanced technologies like Vue.js, the Aviat QA framework effectively enabled testers to contribute to the testing process without deep programming knowledge. This translated into faster release cycles, improved test coverage, and enhanced collaboration between technical and non-technical teams. The framework not only enhanced testing efficiency but also underscored the company's commitment to innovation and excellence in software development.