Regulatory reporting and BI reporting in the banking sector

Regulatory reporting and BI reporting in the banking sector

The project addressed both regulatory and BI reporting needs. For regulatory reporting, manual processes were replaced with an automated ETL job using SAS Enterprise Guide and Python scripts, streamlining data collection, preprocessing, and output preparation for the performance management system Tagetik. BI reporting involved creating interactive dashboards with SAS Visual Analytics, later migrated to SAS Viya, ensuring granular access rights for bank employees. The outcome was significant time savings through automation and improved accuracy, facilitating efficient reporting and data analysis for internal use.


Data Science

Project Length

11 Months


Banca Intesa Sanpaolo

Our Planning Process

The background of the work for the bank consists of two parts. The first part is regulatory reporting and the second one is BI reporting.
Regulatory reporting: the Slovenian branch of the bank must report to the parent bank using pre-defined reports in a specific format using the performance management system Tagetik. Up until this point filling
up the reports was manual labor for several people every quarter. 
BI reporting: using SAS Visual Analytics and later migration to SAS Viya, several BI dashboards were created for the internal purposes of the bank with hierarchical granular access rights. 

What we did for Banca Intesa Sanpaolo

To automate the process of regulatory reporting, an ETL job needed to be created. The required data was collected, preprocessed and filtered. The data was then matched with various dictionaries and lookup tables and the necessary calculations were performed. Then, a suitable output was prepared in order to be able to be ingested in Tagetik. The data preparation, mapping and various development steps were done using SAS Enterprise Guide and python scripts. 
For the BI reporting part, several dashboards were created using advanced charts and visualizations. The reports needed to be highly interactive using filtering and slice and dice options. The dashboards were created in SAS Visual Analytics, and at a later date migrated to SAS Viya. The dashboards had to have granular access rights to the data regarding the authority of each employee. A row level access was developed inside the dashboard, as well as a two-fold hierarchy of access roles regarding the internal structure of the bank. 

Final Results

The work performed for the bank resulted in automation of the regulatory reporting of the bank, greatly reducing manual labor and saving time. An automated process also reduces the errors made from manual entry of the data. The automation produced a simple output that can be easily imported into Tagetik. Using the BI reporting and the two-fold access hierarchy, a detailed report was created for the internal purposes of the bank that could be used by various employees from the bank.